CBD Micro Dosing Explained


Hello everyone, CEO Olivia reporting. Today I’m barking about the approach my huMom & I are taking in regards to managing my canine idiopathic epilepsy with CBD oil. Specifically, how did we dogtermine my dosage (please note, I’m still taking all my regular meds).

HuMom & I have dug deep on this matter & learned about a method called micro dosing. Micro dosing means taking very small amounts of a drug in order to test or benefit from its physiological action while minimizing unpleasant side effects. With cannabis these side effects appear as balance issues, fine-motor control impairment, tiredness, anxiety & dry mouth.

Finding that correct dose of CBD is wagnificently impawtant in having a pawsitive therapeutic effect. It’s not like other medications, there is no pawscribed quantity or frequency based on a dog’s weight & age.  This is because every dog responds differently based on it’s own unique physiology.

Cannabis dosing is best approached with a less is more manner.  Using too much will often decrease its effectiveness & increase those unwanted side effects.  Human patients using medical cannabis repawted that by using less cannabis they achieved maximum therapeutic benefits, had more energy, felt more clear-headed & had minimal to no unwanted effects.  Many repawted they did not feel any effects at all during first 1 – 3 micro doses.  But then they began to respond well.  This is what is known as the ‘sensitization’ effect.  At the right dosage cannabis can trigger production of more cannabinoid receptors, increase the sensitivity of existing receptors & increase the production of the body’s own endocannabinoids. High doses of cannabis have been shown to have the opposite effect, actually decreasing the number of available cannabinoid receptors.

Micro dosing improves the tone of the endocannabinoid system, which is a vital component in our ability to adapt to stress & restore balance at a cellular level.

As for me, when I first began my journey I used half of what the company pawscribed but found the side effect a little too much. So, huMom dialed it back even more & found two drops on each ear flap every 24 hours seemed to be pawfect for 149 days. Then a big weather front moved in bringing the monster with it & I had several seizures over a number of days. But huMom feels, if she had caught the warning signs, maybe we could have shut the monster down before it even attacked.

We tried adjusting the dosage to two drops on each ear flap every 12 hours but again that seemed too much. So we again changed the dose, this time to one drop on each ear flap at noon & 2 drops on each ear flap at midnight.  I have adjusted well to this increase & paws crossed, huMom & I believe that we are moving in the right direction, slowly.

I will keep everyone updated as this CBD journey continues.

CEO Olivia

Have you read my deep dig into CBD Oil?

Part 1 – CBDs, Cannabinoids, Endocannabinoids & Canines

Part 2 – What is Cannabis?

Part 3 – How CBD Is Extracted?

Part 4 – CBD Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum & Isolates

Part 5 – CBD Oils & Tinctures, What’s In the Bottle?

Part 6 – Understanding a CBD Certificate of Analysis

Part 7 – CBD Oils, What Should Be On the Label?

Part 8 – CBD Micro Dosing Explained

Part 9 – CBD & the Liver

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